Key Papers

Polarization from sliding molecular rotors

Senn M S and Goodwin A L
Nature Materials 21, 1100-1101 (2022)

Geometric frustration on the trillium lattice in a magnetic metal–organic framework

Bulled J M, Paddison J A M, Wildes A, Lhotel E, Cassidy S J, Pato-Doldán B, Gómez-Aguirre L C, Saines P J and Goodwin A L
Physical Review Letters 128, 177201 (2022)

Efficient fitting of single-crystal diffuse scattering in interaction space: a mean-field approach

Schmidt E M, Bulled J M and Goodwin A L
IUCrJ 9, 21-30 (2022)

Adaptive response of a metal–organic framework through reversible disorder–disorder transitions

Ehrling S, Reynolds E M, Bon V, Senkovska I, Gorelik T E, Evans J D, Rauche M, Mendt M, Weiss M S, Pöppl A,
 Brunner E, Kaiser U, Goodwin A L and Kaskel S
Nature Chemistry 13, 568-574 (2021)

Spin-ice physics in cadmium cyanide

Coates C S, Baise M, Schmutzler A, Simonov A, Makepeace J W, Seel A G, Smith R I, Playford H Y,
 Keen D A, Siegel R, Senker J, Slater B and Goodwin A L
Nature Communications 12, 2272 (2021)

Single-step synthesis and interface tuning of core–shell metal–organic framework nanoparticles

Orr K W P, Collins S M, Reynolds E M, Nightingale F, Boström H L B, Cassidy C J, Dawson D M, Ashbrook S E, Magdysyuk O V, Midgley P A, Goodwin A L and Yeung H H-M

Chemical Science 12, 4494-4502 (2021)

Non-equilibrium metal oxides via reconversion chemistry in lithium-ion batteries

Hua X, Allan P K, Gong C, Chater P A, Schmidt E M, Geddes H S, Robertson A W, Bruce P G and
 Goodwin A L
Nature Communications 12, 561 (2021)

Revisiting metal fluorides as lithium-ion battery cathodes

Hua X, Eggeman A S, Castillo-Martínez E, Robert R, Geddes H S, Lu Z, Pickard C J, Meng W,
 Wiaderek K M, Pereira N, Amatucci G G, Midgley P A, Chapman K W, Steiner U, Goodwin A L and
 Grey C P
Nature Materials 20, 841-850 (2021)

Understanding the geometric diversity of inorganic and hybrid frameworks through structural

Nicholas T C, Goodwin A L and Deringer V L
Chemical Science 11, 12580-12587 (2020)

Designing disorder into crystalline materials

Simonov A and Goodwin A L

Nature Reviews Chemistry 4, 657-673 (2020)

Hidden diversity of vacancy networks in Prussian blue analogues

Simonov A, De Baerdemaeker T, Boström H L B, Rios Gómez M L, Gray H J, Chernyshov D, Bosak A,
 Bürgi H-B and Goodwin A L

Nature 578, 256-260 (2020)

Ordered B-site vacancies in an ABX3 formate perovskite

Boström H L B, Bruckmoser J and Goodwin A L

Journal of the American Chemical Society 141, 17978-17982 (2019)

Opportunities and challenges in understanding complex functional materials

Goodwin A L

Nature Communications 10, 4461 (2019)

Negative hydration expansion in ZrW2O8: Microscopic mechanism, spaghetti dynamics, and
 negative thermal expansion

Baise M, Maffettone P M, Trousselet F, Funnell N P, Coudert F-X and Goodwin A L

Physical Review Letters 120, 265501 (2018)

Recipes for improper ferroelectricity in molecular perovskites

Boström H L B, Senn M S and Goodwin A L
Nature Communications 9, 2380 (2018)

Incommensurate chirality density wave transition in a hybrid molecular framework

Hill J A, Christensen K E and Goodwin A L

Physical Review Letters 119, 115501 (2017)

Metal–organic nanosheets formed via defect-mediated transformation of a hafnium metal–organic

Cliffe M J, Castillo-Martinez E, Wu Y, Lee J, Forse A C, Firth F C N, Moghadam P Z, Fairen-Jimenez D,
 Gaultois M W, Hill J A, Magdysyuk O V, Slater B, Goodwin A L and Grey C P

Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 5397-5404 (2017)

Mesoscale polarisation via geometric frustration in columnar supramolecular crystals

Zehe C S, Hill J A, Funnell N P, Kreger K, Goodwin A L, Schmidt H-W, and Senker J

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 56, 4432-4437 (2017)

Orbital dimer model for spin-glass state in Y2Mo2O7

Thygesen P M M, Paddison J A M, Zhang R, Beyer K A, Chapman K W, Playford H Y, Tucker M G,
 Keen D A, Hayward M A, and Goodwin A L

Physical Review Letters 118, 067201 (2017)

Guest-activated forbidden tilts in a molecular perovskite analogue

Duyker S G, Hill J A, Howard C J, and Goodwin A L

Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 11121-11123 (2016)

Control of multipolar and orbital order in perovskite-like [C(NH2)3]CuxCd1–x(HCOO)3 metal–organic

Evans N L, Thygesen P M M, Boström H L B, Reynolds E M, Collings I E, Phillips A E, and Goodwin A L

Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 9393-9396 (2016)

Dicyanometallates as model extended frameworks

Hill J A, Thompson A L, and Goodwin A L
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, 5886-5896 (2016)

Emergence of long-range order in BaTiO3 from local symmetry-breaking distortions

Senn M S, Keen D A, Lucas T C A, Hriljac J A and Goodwin A L

Physical Review Letters 116, 207602 (2016)

Design of crystal-like aperiodic solids with selective disorder–phonon coupling

Overy A R, Cairns A B, Cliffe M J, Simonov A, Tucker M G and Goodwin A L

Nature Communications 7, 10445 (2016)

Encoding complexity within supramolecular analogues of frustrated magnets

Cairns A B, Cliffe M J, Paddison J A M, Daisenberger D, Tucker M G, Coudert F-X and Goodwin A L

Nature Chemistry 8, 442-447 (2016)

Hidden order in spin-liquid Gd3Ga5O12

Paddison J A M, Jacobsen H, Petrenko O A, Fernández-Díaz M T, Deen P P and Goodwin A L

Science 350, 179-181 (2015)

The crystallography of correlated disorder

Keen D A and Goodwin A L

Nature 521, 303-309 (2015)

Crystallography with powders

Cheetham A K and Goodwin A L

Nature Materials 13, 760-762 (2014)

Correlated defect nano-regions in a metal–organic framework

Cliffe M J, Wan W, Zou X, Chater P A, Kleppe A K, Tucker M G, Wilhelm H, Funnell N P, Coudert F-X
 and Goodwin A L

Nature Communications 5, 4176-(2014)

Homologous critical behaviour in the molecular frameworks Zn(CN)2 and Cd(imidazolate)2

Collings I E, Cairns A B, Thompson A L, Parker J E, Tang C C, Tucker M G, Haines J, Dmitriev V,
 Pattison P and Goodwin A L

Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 7610 (2013)

Emergent frustration in Co-doped β-Mn

Paddison J A M, Stewart J R, Manuel P, Courtois P, McIntyre G J, Rainford B D and Goodwin A L

Physical Review Letters 110, 267207 (2013)

Giant negative linear compressibility in zinc dicyanoaurate

Cairns A B, Catafesta J, Levelut C, Rouquette J, van der Lee A, Peters L, Thompson A L, Dmitriev V,
 Haines J and Goodwin A L

Nature Materials 12, 212-216 (2013)

Supramolecular mechanics in a metal–organic framework

Ogborn J M, Collings I E, Moggach S A, Thompson A L and Goodwin A L

Chemical Science 3, 3011-3017 (2012)

Rational design of materials with extreme negative compressibility: Selective soft-mode frustration in KMn[Ag(CN)2]3

Cairns A B, Thompson A L, Tucker M G, Haines J and Goodwin A L

Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 4454-4456 (2012)

Empirical magnetic structure solution of frustrated spin systems

Paddison J A M and Goodwin A L

Physical Review Letters 108, 017204 (2012)

Mn(I) in an extended oxide — the synthesis and characterization of La1–xCaxMnO2+∂ (0.6 ≤ x ≤ 1)

Dixon E, Hadermann J, Ramos S, Goodwin A L and Hayward M A

Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 18397-18405 (2011)

Thermal amorphization of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks

Bennett T D, Keen D A, Tan J-C, Barney E R, Goodwin A L and Cheetham A K

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 50, 3067-3071 (2011)

Structure determination of disordered materials from diffraction data

Cliffe M J, Dove M T, Drabold D A and Goodwin A L

Physical Review Letters 104, 125501 (2010)

Structure and properties of an amorphous metal–organic framework

Bennett T D, Goodwin A L, Dove M T, Keen D A, Tucker M G, Barney E R, Soper A K, Bithell E G,
 Tan J-C and Cheetham A K

Physical Review Letters 104, 115503 (2010)

Zero thermal expansion in a flexible, stable framework: tetramethylammonium copper(I) zinc(II) cyanide

Phillips A E, Halder G J, Chapman K W, Goodwin A L and Kepert C J

Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 10-11 (2010)

Thermal expansion matching via framework flexibility in zinc dicyanometallates

Goodwin A L, Kennedy B J and Kepert C J

Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 6334-6335 (2009)

Large negative linear compressibility of Ag3[Co(CN)6]

Goodwin A L, Keen D A and Tucker M G

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 105, 18708-18713 (2008)

Argentophilicity-dependent colossal thermal expansion in extended Prussian blue analogues

Goodwin A L, Keen D A, Tucker M G, Dove M T, Peters L and Evans J S O

Journal of the American Chemical Society 130, 9660-9661 (2008)

Colossal positive and negative thermal expansion in the framework material Ag3[Co(CN)6]

Goodwin A L, Calleja M, Conterio M J, Dove M T, Evans J S O, Keen D A, Peters L and Tucker M G

Science 319, 794-797 (2008)

Nanoporosity and exceptional negative thermal expansion in single-network cadmium cyanide

Phillips A E, Goodwin A L, Halder G J, Southon P D and Kepert C J

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 47, 1396-1399 (2008)

Structural description of pressure-induced amorphization in ZrW2O8

Keen D A, Goodwin A L, Tucker M G, Dove M T, Evans J S O, Crichton W A and Brunelli M

Physical Review Letters 98, 225501 (2007)

Magnetic structure of MnO at 10 K from total neutron scattering data

Goodwin A L, Tucker M G, Dove M T and Keen D A

Physical Review Letters 96, 047209 (2006)

Guest-dependent negative thermal expansion in nanoporous Prussian blue analogues
 MIIPtIV(CN)6·x{H2O} (0 ≤ x ≤ 2; M = Zn, Cd)

Goodwin A L, Chapman K W and Kepert C J

Journal of the American Chemical Society 127, 17980 (2005)

Negative thermal expansion in ZrW2O8: mechanisms, rigid unit modes and neutron total scattering

Tucker M G, Goodwin A L, Dove M T, Keen D A, Wells S A and Evans J S O

Physical Review Letters 95, 255501 (2005)

Negative thermal expansion and low-frequency modes in cyanide-bridged framework materials

Goodwin A L and Kepert C J

Physical Review B 71, 140301(R) (2005)

Phonons from powder diffraction: A quantitative model-independent evaluation

Goodwin A L, Tucker M G, Dove M T and Keen D A

Physical Review Letters 93, 075502 (2004)